You might send newsletters covering a variety of topics. In such cases, it makes sense to allow your subscribers to choose their preferred topics. This can be done during newsletter sign-up, through profile updates, or via categorization by you.
For this, you'll need a subscriber field containing all possible topics. For example, if you're providing information on three different car brands, you can create a subscriber field of type "Multiple selection" with options such as “Audi,” “VW,” and “Skoda.”
This subscriber field can be added to the sign-up form and profile manager, allowing subscribers to easily adjust the type of information they wish to receive.
Send newsletters to specific target groups
You can create entire newsletters dedicated to a specific topic and send them only to recipients who have selected that topic.
For each topic, you'll need to create a
target group, ensuring you only reach subscribers interested in the respective car brand. Learn more about creating target groups in our
During the mailing setup, select both the subscriber list and the target group.
Send newsletters with targeted content to the entire list
Alternatively, you can create a newsletter with diverse content and show specific articles only to certain target groups.
After creating your content, open the edit window for the desired article by clicking its frame header.
Next, select the “Target Groups” section.
Then, select the desired target group.
Ensure your newsletter includes general articles not restricted to a specific target group. If all articles are set for specific groups, subscribers without a group selection may see no content. Thus, including general content is highly recommended.The newsletter is then sent to the entire subscriber list.
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