How do I clean up my bounce overview – and why?

How do I clean up my bounce overview – and why?

Bounces refer to email addresses where at least one newsletter could not be delivered. If an email address generates three consecutive hard bounces, it is added to the internal "Retained adresses List" and excluded from future mailings, in accordance with Certified Senders Alliance guidelines. This helps MAILINGWORK prevent future bounces.

Why should you occasionally clean bounces?

  • Skewed subscriber counts: Bounces inflate your subscriber numbers, potentially slowing account processes.
  • Inaccurate statistics: Bounces distort your statistical values and related charts.
  • Costs: You pay for emails that are not delivered (if not yet held by MAILINGWORK).

How to clean bounces?

MAILINGWORK provides both manual and automated bounce-cleaning options.

Automated Bounce Handling

To start an automatic bounce export, go to Subscribers > Bounce Management > Bounce Overview, open "Advanced Settings", and click "New Export Job". Configure settings such as frequency, bounce type (hard/soft), and recipient lists to export.

Manual Bounce Handling

Go to Subscribers > Bounce Management > Bounce Overview, and click "New Filter". Specify criteria such as "At least 3 consecutive bounces" and select the subscriber list. You can analyze bounce details further.

Bounces can be exported or removed from your list using the respective options.

InfoRemember to update cleaned bounces in your CRM or other storage systems.

Can a bounce be reinstated as a valid subscriber?

Use alternative contact channels like a postcard or SMS to ask if the subscriber wants to re-subscribe with a new email address. Export the filtered bounces before removing them and create a new subscriber list for these contacts.

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